We don’t like namedropping.

But our speaker list is too good not to.

Former Guests

Valery Giscard d'Estaing
Former President of the French Republic

Dr Angela Merkel
Former German Chancellor

Martin Blessing
CEO Commerzbank AG

David Owen
Former British Foreign Secretary

Christian Lindner
Federal Minister of Finance

Gregor Gysi
Chairman die Linke

Douglas Hurd
Former UK Home and Foreign Secretary

Dr Robert Habeck
Chairman, The Green Party

Olaf Scholz
Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance

Otmar Issing
Former Chief Economist & ECB Board Member

Prof Clemens Fuerst
President ifo institute

Joe Kaeser
CEO Siemens AG

Joschka Fischer
Former German Foreign Secretary

Ferdinand Kirchhof
Vice President of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany

Joachim Gauck
Former Federal President of Germany

Tony Blair
Former UK Prime Minister

Pedro Sanchez
Prime Minister of Spain

Franziska Giffey
German Federal Minister

Prof Angelika Nussberger
Vice President of the ECHR

Olaf Koch
CEO Metro AG

Claudia Roth
Chairwoman The Green Party

Bodo Ramelow
Minister President of Thuringia

Jens Lehmann
FC Arsenal, German National Football Team

Andrew Bailey
Governor of Bank of England

Peter Altmaier
Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy

Paschal Donohoe
President of the Eurogroup and Minister of Finance of the Republic of Ireland

Yanis Varoufakis
Member of the Hellenic Parliament and former Finance Minister of Greece

Cem Özdemir
Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen (Green Party)

Urs Rohner
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Credit Suisse

Philipp Amthor
Member of the German Bundestag

Hiltrud Werner
Board Member VW

Wolfgang Schäuble
Federal Minister of the Interior/ Federal Minister of Finance

Nikolaus Schmeja
Colonel, retired

Harald Schmidt
Late Night Talk Host

Prof Dr Karl Lauterbach
Member of the German Bundestag

Gerhard Schröder
Former Chancellor of Germany

Wilhelm Simson

Robin Stalker
CFO, Adidas Group

Bernd Stecher
Chief Economist, Siemens AG

Peer Steinbrück
Former Federal Minister of Finance

Wolfgang Thierse
Vice-President of German Parliament

Norbert Walter
Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank AG

Hans-Joachim Watzke
CEO of Borussia Dortmund

Guido Westerwelle
Chairman, FDP/Die Liberalen

Ulrich Wickert
Author, Journalist

Hans-Heinrich Wrede
Ambassador of Germany to the UNESCO in Paris

Christian Wulff
Former President of Germany, CDU

Robert Zollitsch
Chairman of the German Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church